Yesterday morning, we received a Support request from a Veteran of the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment, asking for urgent help.
Matthew is a single parent of two children and works part time as a self-employed taxi driver. One of his children returned to school this week but was sent home after a short time as another pupil at the school had tested positive for COVID-19. Matthew and his family have been told to isolate for 14 days.
This is disastrous for Matthew as he is unable to work and will not earn any money for at least two weeks. The family were very low on food stocks and he was hoping to use money he would earn over the next day or two to buy essentials for himself and his children.
We provided some support to Matthew and his family during lockdown so thankfully, he knew that urgent help is available and reached out once again.
We reacted straight away and after updating our assessments for the family's dietary needs, we arranged for a comprehensive food shopping delivery to be made to them first thing this morning which will ensure they will be well fed and fully stocked up with all they need until they can come out of isolation.
We also topped up Matthew's mobile phone so that he can maintain essential communication with family, friends, his employer and support networks whilst he and the family are isolating.
Matthew was greatly relieved and can now at least relax a little knowing that he and his children have one less thing to worry about.
Matthew and his family are the 517th case we have proudly supported so far this year.
The demand for our unique and rapid support continues to increase and with your wonderful support, we can ensure that we are here to help Veterans in their hour of need.
No Red Tape - Just Support!